


01-13-2015 08:09 AM

Thank you for the post. It is definitely an encouragement for me to start developing.

Personal Brand

By Binaifer Daji posted 01-12-2015 05:26 PM


Personal brand is something that is being talked about at almost every networking event these days. As competition grows in the job market, it is becoming more important to have a brand and be able to stand out as unique. It is a proactive way of controlling your career development and how you are perceived in the market place.

Here are 7 helpful tips to create a personal brand:

  1. Build your platform: you should create your own website
  2. Identify your uniqueness and your strengths: ask others to help determine the things you are best at
  3. Own your space: Become an expert in the areas of your strengths by learning all you can
  4. Share your knowledge: After learning you should be able to teach and share your knowledge by helping others
  5. Be Yourself: Create your own unique style rather than following others
  6. Identify your values and set your priorities: This will help guide in auctioning and decision making and ensure you stay on track
  7. Craft your personal brand persona which can be created by identifying 3 things:
  1. Your emotional appeal
  2. Describe yourself
  3. Identify your specialty

Creating a personal brand is not easy and can be time consuming but it is well worth your time and effort since it will follow you throughout your career and will help you stand out from the crowd. How many of you have already created a personal brand?

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