Great article in CFO Magazine by Russ Banham on the quickly expanding role CFOs and their finance teams are now assuming beyond the management of financial information critical to the operation of the enterprise they pilot. The Finance team is quickly becoming the “de facto” manager of nonfinancial data analytics critical to the operation of the companies they serve – Modified Chief Data Officer… As CFO Magazine describes: “About three-quarters (76%) of finance teams currently track some nonfinancial metrics, according to a November 2016 survey of about 300 global CFOs by Adaptive Insights
Interesting CFO Magazine article about Cyberattacks and new research from Mandiant
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Southwest Florida Chapter
Very interesting CFO Magazine article on the growing crisis of corporate governance, risk breaches and the need for additional technologies to assist companies with the major financial liability issue… "Despite such headlines, “corporate mistakes keep getting worse,” Forrester writes
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Great article today in the Wall Street Journal CFO Blog on the use of the open, freely available, global XBRL data standard by the US SEC for more transparent and accountability in the capital markets. XBRL protects investors and helps companies tell their story to Wall Street by making...
Great news yesterday regarding the expanded use of XBRL across the capital markets by the Securities and Exchange Commission (US SEC). The US SEC Commission voted to propose rules to require public companies (+14,500) to disclose the relationship between executive compensation and the financial...
It has taken this long for the US SEC to write a rule because it lacked the technology to supervise this new capital markets opportunity to tap into the smaller investor base composed of billions of dollars. According to CFO Magazine -- Crowdfunding was already expected to surpass venture capital in 2016 at $34 billion
Interesting article … Largest democratic country in the world (India) is pushing the largest capital markets country in the world (USA) to have public companies disclose not only financial information but non-financial information to better serve both investors and the public. Including...
Great article in Accounting Today by Daniel Hood (Editor) today about the accounting profession and its relationship to technology… From Accounting Today: T homson Reuters’ Jon Baron … roughly a third of them (accountants) are dooming themselves to extinction by not embracing change and...
ATTENTION: IMA MEMBERS -- Its not too late to register for the DATA AMPLIFIED GLOBAL CONFERENCE IN PARIS The IMA is an ASSOCIATION PARTNER and Strategic Finance Magazine is a Media Partner for the Conference 15% DISCOUNT IS AVAILABLE FOR IMA MEMBERS AROUND THE WORLD USING IMA15 ...