I attended the Rutgers Business School 38th World Continuous Auditing and Reporting Symposium on November 4 th & 5 th 2016 on the Rutgers campus in Newark, NJ. William Bible, Deloitte partner , presented “Blockchain Technology – Disrupting the World of Accounting”....
One important issue to consider when choosing a cloud, or indeed any, software provider is the certainty of their ongoing business operations. A bankruptcy, an acquisition, or other circumstances can affect your vendor and render them unable or unwilling to continue providing the software...
Federal Computer Week published a great story on Congressman Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) confirmation hearings as the next OMB Director of the US Government. Congressman Mulvaney (Tea Party Leader in Congress) stressed the importance of getting accurate and useful data in order to inform his and...
We're pleased to announce that Treasury & OMB have selected XBRL late last week as the common data standard that will be used to exchange government financial information as described in this news article . On March 7, 2015 – We posted that in early May the US Treasury and the Office...
GREAT NEWS TODAY... The US Securities and Exchange Commission has voted today to move forward in mandating the use of Inline XBRL for US public company financial statement disclosure. See below story blogged on December 28, 2016 in which we discussed the possibility of the US SEC taking...
Great article on Blockchain technology, cloud shared public ledgers and how it can be used for state, local and federal government to provide new services to the public. Premise: Blockchain technology can be applied using distributed public record technology that can be directed to a wide...
Just came back from an accounting conference in London about the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals. Management accountants are going to hear more about this global effort and their involvement as this moves toward global adoption in the capital markets and by governments...
Great article from the European Securities Market Authority on what EU public companies must do using the new Inline XBRL Global Data Standard for Better Transparency & Accountability by putting financial and non-financial financial statement info in a machine-readable format. The USA...
Great article in Sustainable Brands and the significance of non-financial reporting disclosure by companies and its direct relationship to investor behavior… According to a recent Ernst & Young survey : Investors are increasingly using non-financial performance to draw...
Interesting article … Largest democratic country in the world (India) is pushing the largest capital markets country in the world (USA) to have public companies disclose not only financial information but non-financial information to better serve both investors and the public. Including...