ATTENTION: IMA MEMBERS -- Its not too late to register for the DATA AMPLIFIED GLOBAL CONFERENCE IN PARIS The IMA is an ASSOCIATION PARTNER and Strategic Finance Magazine is a Media Partner for the Conference 15% DISCOUNT IS AVAILABLE FOR IMA MEMBERS AROUND THE WORLD USING IMA15 DISCOUNT CODE WHEN REGISTERING FOR THE CONFERENCE European Securities & Markets Authority (ESMA), European Central Bank (EBA) and other European Regulators will be discussing mandates requiring the use of XBRL for business reporting data format including updates related to the US Securities & Exchange Commission (US SEC) regarding the mandate using Inline XBRL and the opportunity for foreign filers to use the IFRS accounting standard if using the XBRL data standard Blockchain, Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contract, Sustainability Reporting/Accounting and the use of LEI to be some of the additional topics to be discussed at the global conference. IMA Members; Liv Watson (FOUNDER OF XBRL), Brad Monterio and Kris Brands among the speakers At DATA AMPLIFIED CONFERENCE See MEDIA ADVISORY BELOW for DETAILS: DATA AMPLIFIED CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN PARIS, FRANCE ON NOVEMBER 6-8, 2017 Data Amplified 2017 Conference entitled: “Amplify your Business
Stay tuned for new development and learn more at the upcoming Data Amplified Conference in Paris on November 6-8, 2017 to hear more developments related to XBRL, BlockChain and Shared Ledger and its relationship to the management accountant
Meanwhile, hear more about what the Japanese Ministry of Environment is doing related to ESG disclosures in Japan based on Corporate XBRL filings at the upcoming DATA AMPLIFIED CONFERENCE in Dubai on November 13-15, 2018.
For more information about XBRL for securities, banking, insurance, tax, sustainability and government reporting will be discussed at the upcoming Data Amplified Global Conference in Paris, France on November 6-8, 2017
Stay tuned and continue to monitor XBRL and Data Amplified and the accounting, audit, tax and internal audit professions continues to move forward into the digital age and data analytics because increasing more critical in daily operations
Consumer Federation Continuous Reporting corporate disclosure Corporate governance corporate reporting corproate disclosure COSO Cost Accounting CSR Cyber cyber risk CyberAttack Cybercrime cybersecurity data DATA Act Data Amplified data analytics data driven data governance data governance cloud...