In the operations category, for example, Ceres had established a goal that corporations should reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by 2020. Of the 600 corporations analyzed for the new report, 64% have committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, of that population, only 36% have set "time-bound" quantitative targets, and only 25% of those companies are working toward reducing emissions by 2020. In the category for governance for sustainability, the report said 98% of companies that had set targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have a senior executive responsible for sustainability performance, displaying a sense of management accountability
According to Wikipedia: CDP (formerly the "Carbon Disclosure Project") is an organization based in the United Kingdom which works with shareholders and corporations to disclose the greenhouse gas emissions of major corporations as well as water, supply chain, forest and cities
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Likewise, companies have increased their commitments to ESG: Ceres research shows that among that 600 largest public companies, “nearly two-thirds have commitments to reduce greenhouse gas (gHg) emissions, half are actively managing water resources and nearly half are now actively protecting the human rights of their employees by disclosing human capital data in its financial statement reports as well
total revenue or greenhouse gas emission level), the year, currency, language, relevant reporting standard (e.g., U.S