Human capital development is one of the key factors in human development in which the government and the private sector plays a critical role...Management of human capital clearly results in better business.
The debate yesterday closely followed the US Securities and Exchange’s Investor Advisory Committee vote on March 29, 2019 to consider imposing human capital management disclosure requirements as a part of its Disclosure Effectiveness Review and disclosure modernization project. Human capital disclosure is an important part of environmental, social and governance disclosures or what the accounting and auditing profession is calling “Integrated Reporting” which the IMA is an important member. The capitals identified by the IIRC are: financial capital , manufactured capital , intellectual capital , human capital , social and relationship capital , and natural capital
Management accountants will play an increasing role in providing verification, collection and calculations of vendor sustainability stats such as energy or resource usage and human capital and natural capital calculations for overall reporting
GREAT NEWS TODAY... The US Securities and Exchange Commission has voted today to move forward in mandating the use of Inline XBRL for US public company financial statement disclosure. See below story blogged on December 28, 2016 in which we discussed the possibility of the US SEC taking...
Great article on Blockchain technology, cloud shared public ledgers and how it can be used for state, local and federal government to provide new services to the public. Premise: Blockchain technology can be applied using distributed public record technology that can be directed to a wide...
Soon – in the USA we will have Standard Business Reporting so that a public company can issue “One Report” to regulators and other interested stakeholders can this data can be extracted and shared without creating individual reports over and over again… This same principle can be applied to sustainability reporting or CSR reporting where companies are preparing many – if not hundreds of reports to interested stakeholders for natural and human capital reports for example
Great article in Sustainable Brands and the significance of non-financial reporting disclosure by companies and its direct relationship to investor behavior… According to a recent Ernst & Young survey : Investors are increasingly using non-financial performance to draw...
Congratulations to SASB's CEO Dr. Jean Rogers and her comment letter to the US SEC’s Concept Release on Business and Financial Disclosure Required by Regulation S-K for US Public Companies. The US SEC Concept Release discusses the concept of sustainability reporting by public companies as...
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The European Parliament has voted in favor of new rules that will strengthen shareholder rights and facilitate cross-border voting under the Shareholders Rights Directive as the new Trump Presidential administration moves in the complete opposite direction related to enhanced corporate...
Interesting article … Largest democratic country in the world (India) is pushing the largest capital markets country in the world (USA) to have public companies disclose not only financial information but non-financial information to better serve both investors and the public. Including...