We're pleased to announce that Treasury & OMB have selected XBRL late last week as the common data standard that will be used to exchange government financial information as described in this news article . On March 7, 2015 – We posted that in early May the US Treasury and the Office...
Interesting debate yesterday before the US Senate Banking Committee on the topic of expanding disclosures of US companies to include environmental, social and governance data besides just financial disclosures. The US House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing on the same topic last...
According to CERES - while almost half of the 600 largest U.S. public companies communicate with investors about environmental, social and governance issues, they could be doing a much better job of it. One “constant refrain” heard from investors is that “if a company is not talking about its...
Human capital development is one of the key factors in human development in which the government and the private sector plays a critical role. Policies and systems established by the government and the business community to enable education, trade and socialization help human capital development...
The International Organization of Securities Organizations (IOSCO) issued a press release today stating that securities regulators from growth and emerging markets are seeking public feedback on proposed recommendations related to the development of sustainable finance in capital markets and...
President Trump on January 14, 2019 signed into law the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking (FEBP) Act ( H.R. 4174 , S. 2046 ), which includes the Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary (OPEN) Government Data Act (Title II). Strategic Finance Magazine published the following article...