See matching posts in thread - Supply Chain Costing and Perfor...
For example, risks related to the disrupting of supply chain of public companies that provides critical food, medicine, energy, and products that support the US economy can be of significant financial value to both investors and the public. The GAO report to Congress is entitled “SUPPLY CHAIN RISKS - SEC’s Plans to Determine If Additional Action Is Needed on Climate- Related Disclosure Have Evolved”… As the GAO report details to Congress in January: “For example, in October 2012, Superstorm Sandy caused widespread damage to logistics and transportation networks throughout the Northeast, leading to major fuel shortages and causing an estimated $70 billion in direct damages and lost economic output
According to the most recent posting by Broc Romanek of the US SEC is actively moving forward on public company disclosure of sustainability/ corporate social responsibility reporting – also know as “non-financial” – “integrated reporting” -- including disclosing such topics...
Interesting article in the UK’s Financial Director about yearend non-financial reporting required by UK companies as part of the EU mandate for 6,000 + public company requirement to report non-financial information to the capital markets and important stakeholders such as investors. The UK...
Just came back from an accounting conference in London about the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals. Management accountants are going to hear more about this global effort and their involvement as this moves toward global adoption in the capital markets and by governments...
Digital assurance benefits business through the use of information risk management, trust management, resilience, appropriate architecture, system safety, and security, which increases the utility of information to authorized users and reduces the utility of data to those in the disclosure supply chain to drive better decisions
Companies use the information to better manage their production and distribution networks, predict when items will need service or repair (using advance analytics techniques), bring greater efficiency to the supply chain, and much more
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This includes collaboration of the corporate reporting process as well as better management and verification of a company’s supply chain and its relevance to sustainability reporting
Very interesting CFO Magazine article on the growing crisis of corporate governance, risk breaches and the need for additional technologies to assist companies with the major financial liability issue… "Despite such headlines, “corporate mistakes keep getting worse,” Forrester writes. “In...
1 Comment - Firms of all sizes still rely heavily on Excel spreadsheets and other user-developed technology to produce financial reports and cannot show that they have strong management and control over these key pieces in the supply chain of financial reporting
Interesting article … Largest democratic country in the world (India) is pushing the largest capital markets country in the world (USA) to have public companies disclose not only financial information but non-financial information to better serve both investors and the public. Including...